Skinwalkers: The Shapeshifters So Terrifying They’re Rarely Discussed

Mystery WireSkinwalkers can allegedly transform into animals.
Most Native American ghost stories are widely shared and passed down from generation to generation. But the story of the skinwalker is so frightening that it’s rarely told. Just mentioning the creature is considered bad luck.
Legend states that these fearsome creatures were once healers that chose to use their powers for evil. In order to become shape-shifters, they willingly killed a close family member.

Then, imbued with power, they gained the ability to transform into animals like bears, cougars, and wolves. Skinwalkers — also called “yee naaldlooshii” or “one who walks on all fours” — are described in legend as purely evil. They’re cannibals, necrophiliacs, and tricksters.
But even though skinwalkers can take the form of an animal, they can be easily detected since they retain their human-like eyes. Just don’t look too closely. Allegedly, skinwalkers can control anyone who looks them directly in the eye.
Though most Native American tribes are reticent to describe skinwalkers in detail, a number of people have claimed skinwalker sightings in recent years. There’s even a place called Skinwalker Ranch in Utah.

Wikimedia CommonsSigns warning trespassers at Skinwalker Ranch.
Since 1996, people have reported a number of strange occurrences at Skinwalker Ranch, then owned by the Sherman family. The family reported coming across crop circles and hearing disembodied voices. Significantly, they also claim to have seen an enormous wolf and complained that something was killing and mutilating their cows.
Later sightings gave rise to the rumor that skinwalkers roamed on the ranch grounds, thus the ranch name. Though nothing has been definitively proven, the 500-acre property is currently under surveillance for any paranormal activities.