Does Kanye West have some sort of supernatural powers? MTO News reviewed one of Ye’s best selling album, My Dark Twisted Fantasy – and he made some pretty accurate predictions about his life.
Kanye is in the midst of a pretty bitter divorce/custody battle with estranged wife Kim Kardashian. Listen to Kanye describe his future relationship in his song All Of The Lights:
Here are the lyrics:
Restraining order
Can’t see my daughter
Her mother, brother, grandmother hate me in that order
Public visitation
We met at Borders
Told her she take me back
I’ll be more supportive

But that’s not all. In the song Hell Of A Life, Kanye similarly predicted his own future. Look at some of the lyrics:
One day I’m gon’ marry a porn star
We’ll have a big ass crib and a long yard
We’ll have a mansion and some fly maids

Kanye really was surprisingly accurate.