More than two months after getting arrested for allegedly beating his wife, UFC ring girl Brittney Palmer, Aaron Zalewski reportedly won't be charged with attempted murder as was originally expected.
According to TMZ, Zalewski allegedly beat and choked Palmer after overhearing a cellphone conversation in which a casting agent called her "babe." After the incident, it was initially reported that he would be charged with attempted murder, spousal battery and criminal threats.
TMZ is now reporting that Zalewski will not be prosecuted provided he shows contrition for his alleged actions in front of the Los Angeles City Attorney. TMZ also reported he could be asked to complete anger management classes.
Zalewski is still married to the popular ring girl and model, per TMZ, and although he is apparently on track to avoid charges, that will change if another incident arises before the statute of limitations runs out.
Palmer remains with UFC; however, she has not worked an event since the alleged matter with Zalewski occurred.